Gunung Capital and Habitat Indonesia Built Posyandu in Wringinanom Gresik

Gunung Capital and Habitat Indonesia Built Posyandu in Wringinanom Gresik

Gunung Capital is an asset management company that focuses on infrastructure and construction collaborate with Habitat for Humanity Indonesia built a Posyandu in Kluwung, Kesambenkulon Village, Wringinanom, Gresik.

A Posyandu in Kluwung will give many benefits because even until the end of 2021, Kluwung still has not any Posyandu yet. Previously, when women and children wanted to get any health service, they could only meet the health cadres by using a small community center or directly going to a community health center.

Habitat Indonesia and Gunung Capital started to build that Posyandu in October 2021. Lima Supriyanti, Gunung Capital representative, said, “It was more difficult for women and children to get any health facility because of the pandemic, especially in before and after pregnant phase. Not all villages could use a digital era.”

Habitants in Kluwung felt such enthusiasm because Posyandu had solved their problem. They turned to help the Habitat team to build the Posyandu every day. That Posyandu finally finished in January 2022. On the second week of January, the habitants had used it when women and children wanted to check their health condition.

Eny and Amenik, the health cadres in Kluwung, said, “It was like a dream when finally we got this Posyandu. We felt safer, more comfortable, and more properly served the patients. A complete facility also helps us to serve women and children continuously here. They don’t have to go to community health centers anymore. They can get it here.”

Gunung Capital and Habitat Indonesia held a take-over event in hybrid located in Gunung Capital office at Sudirman, Jakarta.

Susanto, National Director Habitat for Humanity Indonesia who attended the take-over event on-site, said, “A big appreciation we give to Gunung Capital that willing to collaborate with Habitat Indonesia to build a Posyandu in Kluwung.”

Habitat Indonesia and Gunung Capital said that this Posyandu would serve more than one hundred women and children in Kluwung.

It will be used for women and children and as the first aid to serve the habitants in Kluwung during this pandemic to increase the growth and health life of Kluwung habitants.

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