To Celebrate Its 71st Anniversary, Lautan Luas collaborates with Habitat Indonesia to Hold Lautan Luas and Partners Build

To Celebrate Its 71st Anniversary, Lautan Luas collaborates with Habitat Indonesia to Hold Lautan Luas and Partners Build

In way of celebrating its 71st anniversary, PT Lautan Luas Tbk collaborated with Habitat Indonesia to celebrate together by doing build activities in Marga Mulya Village – Mauk, Tangerang. PT Lautan Luas Tbk has created a village called Kampung Lautan Luas where residents can live in decent houses, get good sanitation, access to clean water that shall meet the daily needs of residents, as well as other facilities.

The Kampung Lautan Luas program targets the construction of 70 decent housing units, 70 family toilet units, 7 access to clean water that will serve 700 families, village gates and training as reinforcement for low-income families so that they can live a clean, healthy life, as well as building the basic foundation of healthy houses and waste management.

This “Volunteer Build” activity was held on September 18, 2022, marked by cutting ‘tumpeng’ and beating the gong. This Volunteer Build activity was also attended by:

1. Mauk Sub-district Head, Mr. Arif Rahman, S.STP, M.Si

2. Head of Margamulya Village, Mr. Abubakar

3. Ladies and gentlemen of the board of directors of PT Lautan Luas Tbk:

Mr. Indrawan Masrin: President Director of PT Lautan Luas Tbk

Mr. Jimmy Masrin: Vice President Director of PT Lautan Luas Tbk

Mr. Joshua Chandraputra Asali: Managing Director of PT Lautan Luas Tbk

Mr. Soewandhi Soekamto: Commercial Director of PT Lautan Luas Tbk

Mr Danny Surya Adenan: Manufacturing Director Business Development PT Lautan Luas Tbk

Mrs. Elly Mariana Tansil: Finance Director of PT Lautan Luas Tbk

The enthusiasm of 70 participants who took part in this Build activity was very visible since the warm-up before the build activity began. Build activities carried out were building foundations, walls and painting for 5 houses and 1 school in Mauk.

At the end of the event, Mr. Susanto as the National Director of Habitat Indonesia conveyed the future plans regarding the realization of the construction of houses in Kampung Lautan Luas as part of our concern. Lautan Luas together with Habitat Indonesia hopes that this activity can bring positive impact and light up the spirit of building houses and hope for Indonesia. Let’s Rise together to Build Indonesia.