Thunderbuild 2022

Thunderbuild 2022

Thunderbird alumni is finally back to holding its annual social activity by donating 5 decent houses and doing the build activities which was carried out on September 3, 2022 in Curug Village, Babakan Madang, Sentul-Bogor, with the theme Thunderbuild.

Thunderbuild is an annual build activity carried out by alumni of the Thunderbird School of Global Management, a university in Arizona, United States. They came from different generations and together they support the construction of decent houses for low-income families. Thunderbuild was suspended for 3 years due to the pandemic. This year, Thunderbuild is finally running again, involving more than 25 volunteers. The main activity was building foundations and walls, symbolic handover of the house was also carried out by giving a plaque by Mrs. Linda (one of the representatives of Thunderbird and also one of the Volunteers of The Day) to one of the beneficiaries.

Since 2016 until today, Thunderbird has built 16 decent houses for low-income families. Together we build Indonesia!