Habitat and Ananda Sukarlan Successfully Hold a Songs for Cianjur Charity Concert

<strong>Habitat and Ananda Sukarlan Successfully Hold a Songs for Cianjur Charity Concert</strong>

Jakarta: Habitat Indonesia, in collaboration with Modena and the famous Indonesian pianist and composer, Ananda Sukarlan, have successfully held a charity concert entitled “Songs for Cianjur” on Wednesday (7/12). This concert raised funds to help earthquake survivors in Cianjur, West Java.

“The charity concert, held at the Modena Experience Center Kemang, South Jakarta at 19.00 WIB is a quick step by Habitat to help earthquake survivors in Cianjur immediately,” said National Director of Habitat for Humanity Indonesia, Susanto, in a written statement Thursday (8/12).

He continued that as a humanitarian organization who is responsible for responding to disasters, must aware to the need of quick response to help those affected by the disaster. Seeing the success of the concert held last year with Ananda Sukarlan to help survivors of the Tropical Cyclone Seroja in NTT, Habitat re-invited Ananda to have a charity concert.

Habitat’s collaboration with Ananda Sukarlan is the second collaboration to help disaster survivors after previously successfully holding a charity concert and raising funds of nearly 1 billion rupiahs to help survivors of the Tropical Cyclone Seroja that hit NTT in 2021.

The Songs for Cianjur charity concert presented six classical music performances by Ananda Sukarlan. Ananda also made songs especially for Cianjur survivors, and he performed them for the first time.

Three of the six pieces of music played were auctioned and the three guests won with the highest price. In his dazzling performance, Ananda was accompanied by soprano Mariska Setiawan and baritone Kadek Ari Ananda, two of the best classical vocalists in Indonesia today.

“I hope the guests who attend can enjoy the music I perform while donating. As an artist, the melodies at tonight’s concert are clear evidence of my concern and way of supporting the brothers and sisters in Cianjur. I invite all of us to contribute to helping them recover faster,” said Ananda.

The charity concert, held approximately for 3 hours, was attended by leaders from various companies and socialites who showed their enthusiasm to donate. Susanto emphasized that all funds collected would be distributed to earthquake survivors in Cianjur.

“We will use the funds raised tonight to build decent houses for more than 1,000 families who experienced the earthquake in Cianjur. Not long after the quake hit, we distributed 199 emergency shelter kits for small repair and debris clean-up, and 199 hygiene kits to 199 families”, added Susanto.

The night of the charity concert was made even more lively by the appearance of the guests and donors present. Apart from presenting musical works, the guests who attended also had the opportunity to enjoy a delicious dinner menu served directly by a famous chef, Gilles Marx and the team.