Doing kindness to Commemorate the World Water Day

Doing kindness to Commemorate the World Water Day

The national water availability in Indonesia can be considered relatively safe, but the accessibility, continuity, and quality of the available water are still not up to standard. Furthermore, consuming poor-quality water can negatively impact our health and result in death. In addition, those three main criteria, along with other elements, are crucial because they are one of the requirements within every process of national development planning and sustainability.

Indonesia is committed to fulfilling the target of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) number 6, namely ensuring the availability and management of safe drinking water and sanitation sustainably. The country hopes to 100% fulfill clean water and sanitation access by 2030.

However, there are still several areas in Indonesia that do not possess accessibility to clean water; one of them is Karawang, which is included in the list of 100 priority areas for stunting prevention in Indonesia. Stunting in Karawang is mainly caused by the consumption of dirty water and inadequate sanitation facility. Most of the residents still defecate in open water bodies. Some people there still need to buy clean water to fulfill their daily needs.

Availability of access, distribution channels, and installation of clean water should be a shared responsibility within our community. Diverse partnerships are needed to solve the water problems in Indonesia. To make this happen, Habitat for Humanity Indonesia and Akuberbagi ( invite you to support the accessibility of clean water for underprivileged communities by providing the water pipe to supply clean water from its source through donating IDR 50,000,-.

With your IDR 50,000, – you have provided two water pipes. Moreover, you have minimized the health costs because, according to WHO, every dollar invested in clean water and sanitation can save 4.3 dollars in health costs.

Let’s create a healthier and more prosperous life for Indonesian people by supporting Habitat Indonesia through Crew Registration ( or