Never Give Up

Never Give Up

“I am grateful; it feels like the opportunity fell into my lap,” said Rika wholeheartedly when she was asked about her feelings after receiving the clean water access assistance from Habitat Indonesia.  

Rika Susanti is a housewife who lives in Sagulung Jaya, Batam. The challenging condition faced by Rika’s family forced them to live in a small, single-square-meter house. They didn’t have a toilet, clean water access, and even a kitchen. Fortunately, the house stood right beside her mother-in-law’s house, so whenever her family needed to fulfill their daily necessities, such as getting clean water, using the toilet, or cooking, she and her husband could use the facilities available within her in-law’s house. “We’re struggling with our financial condition,” said Rika.

However, she felt uneasy with her family; Rita’s story was not always smooth sailing; she persevered to survive. “It’s like living with our mother-in-law’s house; there would be a feeling of discontent, there were pros and cons.”, expressed the 41 years old woman. The primary issue Rika and her mother-in-law encountered was the leaking water pipe for their house’s water access. It caused an extra cost for their water bill every month. “The water pipe was a leak. We had to spend an extra cost on the water bill.”, explained Rika. Rika and their family had to spend IDR 200.000,- for six months. In addition, she had to pay IDR 50.000,- for the water bill too. So Rita had to spend IDR 250.000,- on the water bill. 

Her family has an unstable income since her husband could only work as a day laborer. Due to such a condition, there was a point where she couldn’t pay for her house’s water bill. “My mother-in-law is unemployed; my husband only has an unstable job. When it rains, he can’t go to work.”, said Rika. Either or, Rika and her husband had to work extra jobs to pay their bills. “As a wife, they rely on me. I work as a laborer to help my husband.” 

“Such is life; we have to make an effort for a better future.” that’s a hope that Rika always holds.

Never once had she imagined that her patience would come to fruition. Habitat and Caterpillar came to provide house and toilet assistance and clean water access for Rika and her family. “I am grateful; it feels like the opportunity fell into my lap.”, she said joyfully. Since she owns better clean water access, Rika is able to develop her business, “We get so much more blessings through our business. The clean water access helps us to process the ingredients for our food business. The water is hygienic.”, told Rika whose husband now works as a cilor seller. Rita feels unburdened to shower and use the toilet in her own house. “We are comfortable. It’s nice now.”, she added.

Rika doesn’t need to spend extra on her water bill since she owns her water meter. Finally, she can spare some of her income for saving every month. “After we receive the assistance, we can save some of our income from our jobs. After we have clean water access, I do my responsibility to help my husband to work as cilor seller. To Habitat and Caterpillar, we express our biggest gratitude. Without Habitat, we can not do anything. I hope that our business can run smoothly. If there is an extra blessing in the future, we hope to improve our house and take care of the clean water access given by Habitat.”, she closed.