Bali Build II

Bali Build II

On the 4th of April 2023, Bali Build returned to Purwakerti village, Karangasem Regency. The event is the continuity of the first Bali Build in January 2023. Bringing the theme of Building homes, building lives, and building community, Bali Build II invited 25 volunteers from Denpasar to build two out of six donated houses. 

Several activities were carried out, including walling, painting, wiring, and relocating the materials. Although many volunteers came from Denpasar, one came from Jakarta to join this event. As one of the donors and volunteers, Ms. Vita is keen to build decent houses for low-income families in Bali. Six houses were built in Bali Build II, in which PT Coconut Homes donated five out of six homes to the program. Around 92% of the volunteers came from the company.

“I think it’s important for people out there to become aware and open your mind to really visualized that not everyone is as lucky as we are. I knew I grew up in a really nice lovely home and I’m very thankful for that. I think it’s really great to give back to the community. To able to bring happiness to life by having a house that is your home. It’s amazing we can do this kind of build, to bring back to my home, to my island.”, Told Niluh, one of the Bali Build II’s volunteers.

This program offers the leaders of businesses and employees the opportunity to help those in need as well as be the agents of change for the community and our nation.