Build Lives with Thunderbird!

Build Lives with Thunderbird!

On Wednesday, September 13th, 2023, 15 volunteers from various countries, including Saudi Arabia, France, the United States, and the Netherlands, dedicated their time and energy to building a decent house in Kedung Dalem Village, Mauk, Tangerang. The house belongs to Ms. Siti Raenah, a single mother supporting her five children through informal work. Mr. Suryadi, the head of Kedung Dalem Village, expressed the residents’ enthusiasm for the arrival of the volunteers.

Despite the scorching sunlight and heat, the volunteers’ spirit and enthusiasm remained unwavering. They worked tirelessly together on tasks like building walls and the wiring process to support the reconstruction of Ms. Siti’s house.

However, the bricks used in the construction process were provided by Rebricks, which utilizes recycled plastic material. To build a house, approximately 470 kilograms of previously rejected plastic waste were repurposed.

After completing the volunteering activity, the volunteers gathered for lunch and a get-together. During this time, representatives from Rebricks also joined the group and briefly presented their products.

The volunteering event was a resounding success, thanks to the dedicated efforts of our amazing volunteers. Their enthusiasm, hard work, and commitment to our cause filled the Home-Partners with hope and excitement for the future as we look forward to maintaining a strong and lasting partnership with these remarkable individuals.