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Free Registration

Thursday, October 14, 2021

08.30 AM – 04.00 PM

About The Forum

Millions of Indonesians are still struggling to find a decent place to live. The COVID-19 pandemic situation causes the economy to shrink, plus the threat of climate change is another factor that further complicates life, especially for those with low incomes.

The Indonesia Housing Forum is a forum for collaboration of stakeholders, real estate players, and observers of housing issues to find solutions that can encourage economic growth and housing affordability for a better Indonesia. 

Why Attend?

Inspire a new vision for more inclusive, healthy, and resilient cities and communities.

Strengthen the anchoring of international commitments to SDGs and climate change into national and municipal priorities.

Build collaboration between organizations with the capacity to impact and scale up the low-cost, affordable housing sector in the Asia-Pacific region.

Recognize and act on the importance of housing as a driver of inclusive economic growth, resilience, and sustainability in human settlements.


M. Arsjad Rasjid P. M.

Chairman of The Indonesian Chamber of Commerse & Industry's Integrated Property Area Development Agency

Basuki Hadimuljono

Ministry of Public Work

Kadarsah Surad

Rector of Trisakti University

Budiarsa Sastrawinata

Kepala Badan pengembangan Kawasan Properti Terpadu

Dao Harrison

Senior Housing Specialist - World Bank

Tri Dewi Virgiyanti

Direktur Perumahan dan Pemukiman Bappenas

Andreas Hapsoro

Habitat for Humanity Indonesia

Khalawi Abdul Hamid

Dirjen Penyediaan Perumahan Kementerian PUPR

M. I. Ririk Winandari

Ketua Prodi Magister Arsitektur Universitas Trisakti

Ariko Andikabina

Secretary General of the Indonesian Architects Association

Herry Trisaputra Zuna

Direktur Jendral Pembiayaan Infrastruktur PUPR

Dadang Juhro

Coordinator of Tasola Beach Village Development at KADIN Indonesia

Iwan Priyanto

Chairman of the Green Building Council Indonesia

Yuli Kusworo

Director of Arkom

Kelvin Fu

Director of Partner Gunung Capital

Adhi Yudho Wibowo

PT. NS BlueScope Indonesia

Session Housing Forum Indonesia 2021

Gedung Hajadi lantai 2 & 3
Jl. Palmerah Utara No.46, RW.16, Palmerah,
Kec. Palmerah, Kota Jakarta Barat, DKI Jakarta 11480
[email protected]
+6221 2205 6431

Gedung Hajadi lantai 2 & 3
Jl. Palmerah Utara No.46, RW.16, Palmerah,
Kec. Palmerah, Kota Jakarta Barat, DKI Jakarta 11480
[email protected]
+6221 2205 6431