#TEMPATSINGGAHPEJUANGMEDIS is a humanitarian movement carried out by Habitat for Humanity Indonesia as a humanitarian institution focused on housing to take part in the COVID-19 pandemic conditions that are faced by Indonesia and the world.

The pandemic which has infected more than 14,000 people in Indonesia is a serious situation and the vanguard are those who work as medical personnel. The fact that more than 118 medical personnel were infected with COVID-19 and the fact that at least 24 doctors and 10 nurses died after being infected with this virus is very sad. We can feel the tide of the humanitarian movement and see clearly through a variety of community efforts to support the needs of these Medical Warriors in carrying out their duties through personal protective clothing and food.

Another important need is a place to rest. These Medical Warriors work to serve thousands of people, so they are exhausted. However, they are forced to rest in makeshift facilities at the hospital for fear of returning home and bringing the virus to their families, even some cannot go home due to limited transportation available at certain hours.

Encouraged by the spirit that adequate housing is the right of everybody, especially in the unprecedented situation as it is today, Habitat invites all communities and parties to participate in the mission of providing #MedicalWorkerTemporaryShelter for medical fighters so that they can rest comfortably and at ease. So that they can continue to fight #IndonesiaLawanCorona .

To provide medical staff with a temporary shelter so that they can rest properly during this pandemic (around 60 days stay using current curve projection). That way, they can stay healthy, thus provide medical services to COVID19 patients effectively, and continue to fight against coronavirus.
  • Medical staff who use temporary shelter (Hotel room) can rest comfortably and recharge before going back to work at the hospital
  • The front line fighters are provided with safe, comfortable and close-distance resting place to better prepare them for the ongoing fight against COVID19
  • Medical staff can feel active support from the community and appreciation for their work and sacrifice
  • Ready-to-use rooms are available for 600 medical staff working in COVID19 designated hospitals in Jakarta
  • Ready-to-use rooms will be available for at least 60 days
  • Round trip transportation from the hospital to the temporary accommodation will be provided

How to Donate

We are grateful for everyone who takes part in this #salingpeduli #wecare #CareForOneAnother mission

Gedung Hajadi lantai 2 & 3
Jl. Palmerah Utara No.46, RW.16, Palmerah,
Kec. Palmerah, Kota Jakarta Barat, DKI Jakarta 11480
[email protected]
+6221 2205 6431