Employees Build

<strong>Employees Build</strong>

Habitat for Humanity Indonesia’s 25th Anniversary


It is hard to believe that Habitat for Humanity Indonesia is now quarter of a century. Like humans, this age can be said to be quite mature. Habitat has been through a lot in the past 25 years, have its ups and downs.

Grateful for its 25th anniversary, Habitat Indonesia started a series of anniversary activities by holding an Employees Build.

The Habitat Updates team interviewed the chairman of the Employees Build committee, Fajar from the HRGA Department.

According to Fajar, this year’s birthday is more festive than the previous birthday celebrations because it carries the theme “Awake! Together We Build Indonesia”, where all staff of the National Office and Site Office throughout Greater Jakarta were invited directly to the field to do good deeds, painting local people’s houses. “It was boring, right, more than two years since the pandemic we couldn’t do volunteering activities like this, yet, building or volunteering activities are the “DNA” of Habitat for Humanity from all around the world,” said Fajar.

“We create a concept so to build a new spirit in this New Normal era, prioritizing togetherness, create team building for all employees, strengthening the bond between them but also at the same time carrying out activities that are beneficial to the community,” Fajar continued.

Fajar said that the Employees Build was greeted with great enthusiasm by all participants. The spirit to do good to build a more prosperous Indonesia colored the celebration of the 25th anniversary of Habitat Indonesia. All participants happily worked together to bring color to the houses of residents in Bojong Koneng, Sentul – Bogor on 13 May 2022.

“I feel proud to be a part of the Habitat Indonesia extended family and to be the chairman of the Employees Build committee. I hope Habitat Indonesia continues to exist to build a more prosperous Indonesia for future generations. Hopefully all staff will be given a loyal heart to serve wholeheartedly,” concluded Fajar.

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