CEO Build 2022

<strong>CEO Build 2022</strong>

Board Room Leaders – Community Builders

On August 12-13, 2022 Habitat Indonesia once again held the CEO Build event, after the last one in 2019. The CEO Build 2022 which was led by Mr. Edwin Soeryadjaya, took the theme “Board Room Leaders – Community Builders”, located in Banyuwangi, attended by 62 entrepreneurs and leaders from various companies in Jakarta, Surabaya and Bali.

On the first day, CEO Build began with a city tour to various tourist destinations in Banyuwangi and a welcome dinner at the New Surya Hotel, where most of the participants stayed. On the second day, all participants were divided into 8 groups and were excited and enthusiastic to do building activities; setting foundations and building walls for 8 houses out of 11 houses being built for the residents of Sumbermulyo Village. The event ended with a visit to the Pulau Merah tourist destination and a farewell dinner in the evening. All participants expressed their appreciation for this unforgettable CEO Build, which has given them the opportunity to extend their hands, helping the community to have a decent place to live.

Through CEO Build 2022, the fundraising obtained was donation to build 29 new decent houses in various regions in Indonesia, with most houses will be allocated to the community in Banyuwangi.

Together we build Indonesia.

See you at the next CEO Build!