Handover Ceremony of Batam Clean Water Facility

Handover Ceremony of Batam Clean Water Facility

Clean water accessibility is an urgent necessity in Batam, especially for the low income society. The issue is caused by the expensive price of the water pipe installation to the government’s public utility, considering some areas of the main pipe are owned by private enterprises/individuals.

Thus, Habitat for Humanity Indonesia collaborated with Caterpillar Foundation through the affordable clean water access program to help 120 families in Tanjung Riau in 2020 to 2021, and from 2022 to 2023 to help 260 families (75 families in Sei Lekop, 86 Families in Sei Daun RW 07, and 99 families in Piayu Laut).

On Saturday, may 27th, 2023, Caterpillar Foundation and Habitat Indonesia held a handover ceremony to the people of Sei Lekop, Sei Daun, and Piayu Laut to commemorate the 2022-2023 clean water access program.

It was estimated that there were 50 participants who attended the event. They were consisted of Batam’s influential individuals and the beneficiaries who were trusted to maintain and preserve the built clean water access and basic sanitation facility. The handover ceremony was carried out symbolically, from the representative of Habitat Indonesia to the local government and the beneficiaries’ representatives from Sei Lekop, Sei Daun dan Tanjung Piayu areas.

Sei Beduk’s Head of District as well as the Head of General Subdivision and Program Staffing and Finance of Sagulung Sub-District delivered a speech to express their gratitude over the commenced program that has greatly improved the lives of families from each area. They hope that the program will continue on to the other areas that are going through the same issue.

The contribution made by caterpillar foundation and habitat Indonesia has brought forth a significant impact to the people of Batam. The programs are expected to bring a continuous positive effect and improve the life quality of the community through the clean water access provision to the community in Sei Lekop, Sei Daun, and Tanjung Piayu Area.