Innovation to Care

Innovation to Care

To show concern for one another, ElectroluxAttackCare collaborates with Habitat for Humanity Indonesia to provide facilities for the community to live clean and healthy lives, by building a water point in Mauk Village, Tangerang. The groundbreaking of the program was carried out on November 18, 2021.

#SahabatHabitat, according to, there are still 18 million people who do not have access to clean water and 20 million people who are unable to have proper sanitation facilities. Tangerang itself is still one of the regions in Indonesia with high stunting cases, due to the inadequate availability of clean water and proper sanitation. This condition has encouraged Habitat Indonesia together with Electrolux and Attack to make social contributions through the construction of water points. It is hoped that this facility can help build public awareness about Clean and Healthy Lifestyle (PHBS), Community-Based Total Sanitation (STBM), and GERMAS which was designed by the Indonesian Ministry of Health.

The Head of Kedung Dalem Village, Mauk, Tangerang, Suryadi appreciated the contribution of Habitat, Electrolux and Attack. He said that with the availability of clean water could encourage them to adopt a clean and healthy lifestyle. “With the availability of clean water, of course I am optimistic that public health can improve. If public health improves, the standard and quality of life of the residents of Kedung Dalem Village, Mauk, Tangerang will improve as well”

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