Kartini’s day

Kartini’s day

Commemorating Kartini Day and the 25th anniversary of Habitat for Humanity Indonesia, Habitat would like to appreciate “the Kartinis” who have taken part, given their hearts and strive to support our mission to provide decent housing for low-income families in Indonesia.

Habitat Updates team spoke with three amazing women at Habitat Indonesia who have been at least working for five years or more there. They are Rahayu, an office girl; Lestari, a finance officer; and Lucy, HRD manager.

Rahayu, who is familiarly called Bu Yayuk, said that she has been working at Habitat for more than ten years. Bu Yayuk works because she wants to support her husband, whose occupation is an online motorcycle taxi driver. “You know how much a driver’s income is, while I have two children who must go to school. One at the junior high school and another at the university,” told Bu Yayuk. Bu Yayuk has a very high spirit. Even though she needs to be at the office the earliest before other employees arrive, to make sure the room is clean and tidy, Bu Yayuk doesn’t feel tired and burdened because she knows what and who she is doing all this for. “Even though my job is only as an office girl, I know that what I do is beneficial for me and supports Habitat’s mission. If the room is clean, the employees will feel comfortable working. If donors come, they will be happy too. If the donors are happy, perhaps they will want to donate again, right? hehe”, said Bu Yayuk.

A few weeks ago, Habitat Updates team received the happy news that Bu Yayuk’s daughter had graduated from a state university and has been accepted to work in one of the leading State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) in Indonesia. “I am so glad. My daughter’s success today cannot be separated from Habitat’s role in allowing me to work so that I can send my children to college. My daughter got accepted at SOE today is the most rewarding gift for me.”

Like Bu Yayuk, Lestari and Lucy also have the same struggle. Even though they had to leave early in the morning because of the long distance between their homes and offices, they did not complain. Although they have to sit on crammed train, they use their time for quality things. “While riding the MRT, I listen to the radio, so I can know the current news. So no time is wasted,” said Lucy.

Lestari and Lucy know Habitat as a humanitarian organization that has helped many low-income communities to get decent housing. They are proud to be able to contribute to this great mission. “I believe that God’s plan is for me to work here. I am grateful that working at Habitat is not only for myself but to help the many people out there”, said Lestari.

Bu Yayuk, Lestari, and Lucy are determined to be enthusiastic about continuing their work and commitment in Habitat Indonesia “Even though we are women, we must also be like men. Work and contribute not only for the family but even more so for the nation,” said Lucy.

On this special day, Lestari encourages women to stay strong and don’t give up easily these days. “Happy Kartini Day to all the great women in this nation. Stay strong and have the passion for making an impact for people in need,” she concluded.

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