One Amazon Web Services Indonesia Volunteering day

One Amazon Web Services Indonesia Volunteering day

There were 20 people who participated in the One Amazon Web Services Indonesia Volunteering Day Event. The event was the first opportunity for many of our colleagues from Amazon Web Services to be directly involved in the community facilities development program with Habitat Indonesia. The piercing heat from the weather didn’t tire out the volunteers’ spirit and enthusiasm during the construction of the auxiliary clinic foundation, the garden fence painting, and the planting of the plants.

Mr. Margono, the head of Mulyasari Village, delivered an opening speech. In his remark, he introduced the area of Mulyasari Village and Cipule Lake, a popular leisure destination for the locals and known as a place for rowing sport. Then, the opening speech was carried on by Mr. Haris Izmee, AWS Asean Growth Market Director, and closed by Mr. Abraham Tulung, the General Manager of Habitat Indonesia.

Then, the women of the Local Family Welfare Development Organization led the “Warming Up” as a closing activity for the event’s opening session. They guided the exercise with a vibrant spirit that ignited an infectious enthusiasm among the volunteers.

Jokes and laughter flourished the event throughout the day. The volunteers collaboratively worked together during the foundation construction and the painting of the fence. They cooperated to do things they had never done before. The experience left a deep impression on each volunteer who participated in the event. Then, it was closed with a lunch together activity.

Hopefully, the One AWS Indonesia Volunteering Day event may inspire people to work together in building communities and a decent environment for our greater society.