Prudential invites employees to participate in volunteer activities with Habitat Indonesia

Prudential invites employees to participate in volunteer activities with Habitat Indonesia

Prudential Indonesia is one of the leading insurance companies in Indonesia for the umpteenth time inviting employees to do volunteer activities. Prudential Indonesia is aware that the profits will be returned to the community. Prudential Indonesia continues the phase II of Desa Maju program which is specifically for low-income communities. In this program, Prudential builds houses and public facilities in remote areas that are still underdeveloped.

The second phase of the cooperation program is planned to build an area in Tanjung Anom Village, Mauk District, Tangerang Regency, Banten Province. In this program, Prudential plans to build 50 houses, 2 sources of clean water, construction of 25 household toilets, and WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene) training. In addition, there is also the construction of educational facilities in 2 schools, including a computer laboratory, school toilets, a library, and an Early Childhood Education (PAUD) building.

Therefore, Prudential Indonesia and Habitat for humanity Indonesia regularly carry out volunteer activities in Tanjung Anom Village, Mauk sub-district. On October 15, 2022, for the first time in this year, all employees who volunteered beautified the homes of low-income families by painting, digging foundations, and building walls of 9 houses. 65 Volunteers that afternoon, when the weather was hot, the scorching sun did not dampen the enthusiasm of Prudential Indonesia volunteers to keep up the spirit. This of course cannot be separated from their slogans “I will share for my Country” and “in accord with our heart”.

Hopefully, this volunteer activity will be a good start for the second phase of the development of the Prudential Maju Village to create an independent and empowered community through decent housing.

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