Remarks by National Director

<strong>Remarks by National Director</strong>

Habitat for Humanity Indonesia


The fiscal year 2022 has been completed. We have done various programs, including procurement and repair of 3,690 livable homes, 25 public facilities, different training for 2,188 people, and market development and economic improvement for 10,731 people. The program has successfully touched communities in various regions of Indonesia, including Jakarta, Batam, Yogyakarta, and Surabaya. At the time of the disaster, Palu, Semeru, Mamuju, and NTT. I thank all those who have supported it until the whole program can go well. 

At present, we are entering the fiscal year 2023. Not an easy situation. The recent war has affected the food and energy crisis. This causes material prices and needs to rise. They low-income families are the most vulnerable.

As brothers of the water demons, it is fitting for us to close ranks to help one another so we can get together through this difficult time. Hopefully, we can immediately work on various programs that can support the lives of those vulnerable to staying under challenging times.

Starting this fiscal year 2023, I had the opportunity to be a judge in the BISRA event (Business Indonesia Corporate Social Responsibility Awards) 2022. Through this event, I hope Habitat Indonesia can establish closeness to more companies to create opportunities for cooperation in implementing their CSR into Habitat programs and missions because more companies are supporting more programs that can be done for more families helped.

In closing, I invite all of us to support this series of Habitat Indonesia’s 25th-anniversary BUILD programs, which will be held until December 2022. This activity is one strategy to invite more companies and volunteers to support the Habitat program, building a prosperous Indonesia.

End of the word, I say thank you and stay excited. Let’s continue the mission of building a house, building a life!



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