Remarks by National Director

<strong>Remarks by National Director</strong>

Habitat for Humanity Indonesia


Congratulations on Commemorating National Hero Day on November 10. May the spirit of striving started by our heroes in the past continue to flow and burn in our hearts, especially to make Indonesia a safe and comfortable Habitat for everyone.

On November 5, 2022, I had the opportunity to revisit Mauk, Tangerang. The visit left a deep impression on me. The purpose of my visit was to attend the groundbreaking ceremony for the 2nd phase of the Desa Maju Prudential project.

A little flashback, Habitat Indonesia has been working with Prudential since 2019 by providing decent housing in Yogyakarta. In 2021, the collaboration continues with the Prudential Advanced Village program in Buaran Anom Village. This program has helped more than 3,000 low-income families to get decent housing. Not only concrete supports, but they also had the opportunity to receive various essential trainings.

I hope this 2nd phase of the Desa Maju Prudential project in Mauk Tangerang, marked by the groundbreaking ceremony, will run smoothly. This collaboration will proceed to build 50 livable houses, two units of clean water access, 25 individual toilets, and repair four facilities in 2 schools. In addition to physical construction, this cooperation will provide basic construction training to around 50 residents and clean water and sanitation training to approximately 75 residents.

After several years of intervening in this village, I was impressed to see the community actively supporting our programs. I see a societal transformation; individuals and groups have slowly grown in a more positive direction. Of course, all of this is possible because of the synergy of all parties, one of which is Prudential. On this occasion, on behalf of Habitat, I would like to wish Prudential a happy 27th birthday which fell on November 2, 2022. I hope that Prudential will continue to prosper and be Habitat’s partner in building a prosperous nation.

The program we provide may not be that big. However, I still feel proud and believe it can strongly encourage the Mauk community to live more decently, independently, prosperously, and sustainably towards transformation at all levels for a long time.

