

The shared concern for environmental issues regarding the increasing amount of plastic waste formed a great collaboration. Plastic waste can cause soil pollution because it can block water absorption and sunlight absorption, reducing soil fertility and can cause flooding.

On that basis, ASHTA Mall and Jangjo (environmental sustainability company) collaborated with Habitat for Humanity Indonesia and Rebricks (a company that manufactures building materials from plastic waste). The collaboration aims to educate and provide information to the public by opening a plastic waste installation stand at ASHTA Mall from 11 to 27 November 2022.

Through this activity, it is hoped that visitors will care about the environmental damage caused by plastic waste and want to participate simply by sorting waste that can be recycled so that the environment remains sustainable. Plastic waste that has been processed into building materials will be used to build 5 environmentally friendly houses in Mauk District, Tangerang Regency. The cost to build this house is expected from a donation auction of art made from coffee grounds created by restaurant and coffee shop tenants at ASHTA Mall. The #MinumKopiJadiSeni (#DrinkCoffeeMakeArt) tagline invites all of us to do something by participating in the donation auction – #PilahSampahJadiRumah.

Registration and further information about the auction can be contacted via WhatsApp at 08161865801.