The Benefits of Donating for Yourself and Others

The Benefits of Donating for Yourself and Others

Sharing and donating or any form of gifts given sincerely and voluntarily will give a sense of joy as well as the token of love for others.

There are many benefits of donating, not only for the person who receives it but also for the person who does it. This is a very noble act, but not a few are still hesitant to do it. Donations are gifts made by oneself for the benefit of others without expecting anything in return and without coercion.

There are some people who think that they themselves do not need to give donation because they are not well-off enough thus to make ends meet is a priority. There are some who are stingy and ignorant to their surroundings. However, donating or giving your hands to others can be beneficial for yourself and others. What are the benefits?

  1. Benefits for yourself
  • Donation is a positive activity. According to various studies, doing positive activities will increase the body’s immune system.
  • Helping others will make you happier. Many people do not know that giving help to others will bring happiness to those who receive and give. Have we experienced it?
  • Give life satisfaction. There is a German study that people who give more to others, will receive greater life satisfaction than people who do not give.
  • Reducing stress levels. Research conducted by Johns Hopkins University and the University of Tennessee in America found that people who regularly distribute free food as a charity activity experience lower stress levels and lower blood pressure compared to those who do not give.
  • Benefits for others
  • Lift the burden off those who receive assistance.
  • Provide motivation and enthusiasm for a better life.
  • Helping to improve the immune system of the recipients.
  • In a large scale, the community will grow a sense of solidarity and tendency to help one another so that social inequality can be reduced or even eliminated.

To share kindness and donate is very easy to do now because of the emergence of online registration and websites. This is one of the easiest ways to donate for any causes. Habitat for Humanity Indonesia has an easy way to donate regularly, namely by becoming a Habitat Crew. This is a donation via credit card, debit, or bank transfer. Habitat Crew participants will have the opportunity to participate in volunteer activities to build houses in the Habitat service area every year. To register, go to . You can also channel aid to those in need without having to come and face to face by visiting the website:

After understanding the benefits of donations, it would be good if you are touched to donate to those in need. Distribute your donation now by registering and or visit the website above.

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