The Celebration of Habitat for Humanity Indonesia’s 26th Birthday

The Celebration of Habitat for Humanity Indonesia’s 26th Birthday

Habitat for Humanity Indonesia celebrated its 26th years of service in Indonesia on Monday, May 1st, 2023. To celebrate its birthday, Habitat for Humanity Indonesia held an online and on-site gathering event last Tuesday (05/02/2023). The event was attended by many of HFHI’s family members across Indonesia.

Mr. Rene Widjaja, as one of the board members of Habitat for Humanity Indonesia, delivered an opening speech to start the ceremony. He inspired and motivated HFHI’s staff to relentlessly serve the undeserved people despite the challenges.

Habitat for Humanity Indonesia’s National Director, Mr. Susanto, continued the topic in his dialogues as he reminded all the staff and associate of Habitat Indonesia about the importance of the organization’s vision, mission, and purpose in sustaining Habitat’s on-going program across Indonesia.

The celebration ended with the cutting down of Tumpeng at Habitat Indonesia’s National Office. To commemorate the staff dedication to Habitat, the MC gave a chance to Ms. Citra, one of the employee of Habitat Indonesia’s, to be the first who received the piece of Tumpeng.

Happiness was radiating throughout the end of the ceremony; the staff celebrated Habitat’s 26th years of Habitat Indonesia ministry in further establishing the well-being of families in Indonesia. Hopefully the fire of Habitat Indonesia’s ministry can continue to ignite and illuminate the lives of families in need.