The Opening Remark from Our National Director

The Opening Remark from Our National Director

On Thursday, March 17th, 2023, the team and I visited Cianjur to monitor the development of a temporary housing program from January 2023 for the earthquake survivors. Although it has been three months since the earthquake, my heart goes out to the survivors who still live in emergency tents where they have to sleep in a cramped space with limited clean water access and an inadequate kitchen.

After distributing the ESK (Emergency Shelter Kits), WCK (Wash and Cleaning Kits), RRK (Rubber Removal Kits), and communal toilets to more than 500 families at the beginning of the disaster response program, however, the survivors still require more needs. They hope for a quick recovery; they need temporary houses. Fortunately, at the start of 2023, Habitat began the temporary housing program for the survivors of the Cianjur Earthquake that are expected to provide around 128 units and 26 individuals toilets by the upcoming July 2023.

We hope that the temporary housing program (Huntara) helps the survivor to live in a temporary place that is comfortable and secure while waiting for the government’s permanent housing development program in the upcoming one or two years. The temporary housing program is crucial considering the extreme weather, such as heavy rain and strong wind, that continuously causes damage to the emergency tents.

The upcoming temporary housing program is sustainable because even after the survivors receive the government’s permanent houses, the survivors can still make the temporary houses as warehouses or stalls.

There are many of our brothers and sisters who are still struggling to survive in Cianjur. If you are interested in joining the cause and helping those in need, you can donate through: Habitat Kemanusiaan Ind. Yay BCA 210 3002958

Apart from visiting Cianjur, I joined the Financial Institution Build Event in Babakan Madang, Bogor, by the following day. I’m grateful and amazed by the spirit of more than 30 financial and insurance institution leaders when building decent houses for low-income families. I hope similar events will be brought again in years to come since the leaders of institutions are not just the leading actors in the industry but also the ones who represent the change in a nation.

Best regards,
