Eureka, My House is Leakage-Free!

Eureka, My House is Leakage-Free!

Sutiyanah (43) is a housewife who lives with her husband and their two children. Sutiyanah’s husband named Sakri (62) worked as an on-call motorcycle driver with unstable earnings, often earning only IDR 30,000 a day. Sutiyanah relies on her husband’s income to meet their family’s basic needs, such as buying groceries and covering her children’s educational expenses. However, the income is insufficient. Fortunately, they receive additional monthly financial support of IDR 400,000 from their child who works outside the city.

Sutiyanah and her family became one of the fortunate residents of Marga Mulya Village, Mauk, Tangerang Regency, to benefit from the house-building program by Habitat and PT. Lautan Luas Tbk. She expressed her gratitude as her long-cherished dream of owning a decent and comfortable house finally came true. Now, her family can sleep without fear of leakage or flooding from the rain. “Alhamdulillah, now I have a comfortable and safe house. Thank you, Habitat and PT. Lautan Luas,” Sutiyanah expressed with gratitude.

Previously, Sutiyanah and her family lived in a cubicle house in Bebulak Village. The condition of the house was alarming, with the floor made of dirt, the roof covered with palm fiber, and numerous holes in the walls. During rainy days, leaks would occur, causing discomfort to the family. Despite living under such conditions for 16 years, they had grown accustomed to it. One day, while they were asleep, their bed suddenly turned wet. Unfortunately, the flood had entered their house and soaked their bed.

Although they now live in a decent house built by Habitat, there were moments when Sutiyanah and her family were still haunted by their past. During a stormy night, they grew anxious and woke up from their bed. Out of habit, they grabbed water basins and buckets to anticipate any leakage, only to realize that their house was no longer made of cubicles. Instead, it had a firm foundation surrounded by sturdy walls made of light brick, a tile roof, a ceiling, and ceramic floors. Her new home was no longer prone to leaks and flooding.

Sutiyanah shared her experience, “At the beginning, there was heavy rain. My family and I were asleep. Then my child woke up and said, ‘Mom, there’s a leakage.’ We went outside to get the basin and bucket. But, as we got out, there was no leakage. We had a good laugh together as a family. Now, I have a good, safe, and comfortable house. Alhamdulillah,” expressed Ms. Sutiyanah.

Written by: Indah Mai – Mauk Project Community Organizer