Habitat for Humanity Asia-Pacific Visit to Indonesia

Habitat for Humanity Asia-Pacific Visit to Indonesia

To enhance the capacity and align the mission and vision of Habitat for Humanity Indonesia with Habitat for Humanity International, Luis Noda, the Vice President of Habitat for Humanity Asia-Pacific visited Habitat for Humanity Indonesia’s National Office in Central Jakarta. He was accompanied by Mr. Shoban Rainford, the Director of RD Habitat Asia-Pacific, and Ms. Ana Narag, Director of HR Habitat Asia-Pacific. The visit aimed to strengthen the collaboration and exchange of knowledge between Habitat for Humanity Asia-Pacific and Indonesia.

The representatives of Habitat for Humanity Asia-Pacific began their visit to Indonesia by participating in Habitat for Humanity Indonesia’s weekly devotion at the National Office in Central Jakarta. The event held special significance as it also served as a celebration to mark the inauguration of HFHI’s new office. The event commenced at 9:00 AM and concluded with a shared lunch session at 12:00 PM.

The following day, the Habitat for Humanity Asia-Pacific team was invited to visit several service clusters managed by Habitat for Humanity Indonesia at the Mauk Site Office. During the visit, the Asia-Pacific team had the opportunity to witness the diverse outcomes of the programs implemented by Habitat for Humanity Indonesia and assess the specific needs of the site. This first-hand experience allowed them to gain a deeper understanding of the impact of Habitat’s work and further strengthen the collaboration between the regional and national teams.

On Wednesday, July 5th, 2023, the Habitat for Humanity Asia-Pacific team had the chance of meeting an important figure who would serve as the host for Habitat Indonesia’s upcoming event, “Ambassador Build” in August; Ambassador Sung Y. Kim, the U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Indonesia. Accompanying the Habitat team were members of Habitat Indonesia’s board, including Mr. Jimmy Masrin, Mr. Rally Sudarta, Rene I. Widjaja, Ms. Kwik Wan Tien, and Ms. Lucy Kwee. The meeting provided an opportunity for the team to discuss the details and preparations for the Ambassador Build event, fostering a strong partnership and collaboration between Habitat for Humanity and the embassy.

During their visit to Jakarta, Mr. Louis Noda, Mr. Shoban Rainford, and Mr. Susanto had an important meeting with Mr. Jeffrey P. Cohen, the Mission Director of USAID Indonesia. The meeting took place at Chase Plaza on Sudirman Street in South Jakarta, from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM. The purpose of the meeting was to facilitate a discussion and establish a connection between Habitat for Humanity Indonesia and the major project of IUWASH Tangguh in Banten and East Java, known as IUWASH Plus.

The visit of Habitat for Humanity Asia-Pacific team in Indonesia concluded with a media visitation to Bisnis Indonesia in Karet Tengsin, Central Jakarta, on Thursday, July 4th, 2023. The event began at 2:00 PM and provided an opportunity for the AP team to share the purpose of their visit to Indonesia. They also discussed one of Habitat for Humanity’s important advocacies, the Home Equals campaign, with Mr. Chamdan, a senior editor at Bisnis Indonesia.

Habitat for Humanity Indonesia deeply appreciated the visit and various activities conducted by Mr. Luis Noda, Mr. Shoban Rainford, and Mrs. Ana Narag in Indonesia. The engagement and support from the Habitat AP team have left a significant impact on all those involved. The activities have served as a source of inspiration and motivation for the Habitat Indonesia team as they embark on a new fiscal year starting in July 2023.