Habitat Indonesia Collaborates with Amazon Web Services

Habitat Indonesia Collaborates with Amazon Web Services

Jakarta, May 25, 2022 – Habitat for Humanity Indonesia, a non-profit organization that focuses on providing the decent house to the low-income family, and Amazon Web Services (AWS) symbolically handed over a joint project on development improvement programs in Karawang to the regency governments in a ceremony in Karawang.  

The program took one-year ­– from March 2021 to March 2022 – to be completed. Habitat collaborated with AWS to carry out village development programs in Karawang, including: 

  • Construction of one community center and distribution of six packages of supporting facilities to local youth groups.
  • Construction of three public toilets, seven school toilets, 36 handwashing facilities, three units of clean water facilities, and the distribution of 1,054 hygiene kit packages and nine units of oxygen concentrators to public health services during the Covid-19 pandemic.
  • Providing leadership training to young people and vocational training in sewing and cooking for women.
  • Waste management training for young people through the construction of five waste management projects and the construction of one waste handling facility.

More than 15,000 people benefitted from the program, which was carried out in eight villages. The six villages are located in Kutamekar, Kutapohaci, Mulyasari, Margakarya, Margamulya, and Wanakerta.  

Susanto, National Director of Habitat for Humanity Indonesia, said, “We are very proud to partner with AWS to implement their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program. This is our third collaboration with AWS. We have previously collaborated on a disaster relief program in Palu and on distributing necessities during the Covid-19 pandemic. Habitat Indonesia always strives to uphold its professionalism and integrity so that every partner enjoys collaborating with us so that we can assist more low-income families,” said Susanto.

Susanto said, “Habitat always puts the aspirations, needs, potentials, and capabilities of the local community first, so that the community programs can be carried out effectively, efficiently, and sustainably” We always involve the community. It can change their mindset and help them understand that aid does not always mean money but also physical and non-physical programs which are more useful in the long term. I also believe that community involvement fosters a sense of ownership so that the community is more concerned about maintaining any given program,” He explained.

Habitat for Humanity Indonesia continues to create a prosperous and sustainable life for Indonesia’s low-income families. Habitat’s programs support the government’s efforts in achieving four of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDG), which include improving the quality of education, more access to clean water and sanitation, economic growth and work opportunities, and improving sustainable communities and cities.

Siti Arfina, who attended the vocational sewing training, said,” “I am very happy with this sewing training. I heard that some German companies here wanted to recruit people who are good at sewing. I have a set of marketable skills to offer by attending the sewing training. Even if I am not accepted at any of these companies, I have the skill to rely on. I can open my own sewing business at home, which is good enough to provide the family with the income”

The collaboration between Habitat for Humanity Indonesia and AWS aims to spark significant changes in the near future to help low-income families lead better lives.

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