Habitat Indonesia is holding a Tag and Share Quiz to celebrate 28uild 2022

Habitat Indonesia is holding a Tag and Share Quiz to celebrate 28uild 2022

On October 29, 2022, Habitat for Humanity Indonesia held a building activity entitled 28uild (read: to build) to commemorate the enthusiasm of Indonesian youth in the Youth Pledge, which falls on October 28. This build activity was carried out in Mauk, Banten Province and Gresik, East Java Province.

The build activity was attended by more than 300 volunteers from various backgrounds who enthusiastically beautified and built houses for low-income families in Mauk, Tangerang. Not only building activities, but Habitat Indonesia also organizes quizzes for 28uild participants by sharing the excitement of 28uild activities.

The Tag and Share held by Habitat Indonesia were welcomed enthusiastically by #relawanhabitat (#HabitatVolunteer). The requirements for taking this Quiz are as follows:

• #Relawanhabitat confirmed following Instagram @Habitat_id

• Photos shared are required to comply with safety protocols (using helmets and gloves) along with 28uild attributes.

• Upload photos on Instagram feed and story, tag 3 friends and mention @Habitat_id, hashtags #28uild and #habitatforhumanityindonesia.

The winners were announced on November 1, 2022, when 10 winners were determined following the terms and conditions. The 10 prizes have been given to 10 winners of the 28uild 2022 Tag and Share. A positive impression was also conveyed by one of the Tag & Share winners, who also volunteered in 28uild activities.

“This activity is very useful, not only for the brothers and sisters who are assisted but for us it is also a blessing and learning lessons to continue to be social human beings who are always ready and willing to help others and the environment. Participating in this Build activity also provides freshness after activities are interrupted due to the co-19 pandemic.” Ciwi Paino said excitedly.

Congratulations to the winner. Thank you very much for your support and participation in the 28uild 2022 volunteer activities. See you at the next build activity.

Keep the Spirit! Together we build Indonesia!