Help Kasemben Kulon Village to Have Decent Toilets

Help Kasemben Kulon Village to Have Decent Toilets

In Kasemben Kulon village, Wringinanom
sub-district, East Java province, there are still around 200 households
belonging to poor families with low monthly income and living in inadequate places. Most of the people in the village work in agriculture and ranch as day
laborers with an average income of IDR 30,000/day. The current pressing issue
is that they do not have proper defecation facilities, either personal toilet
or public toilets. They defecate using a facility called a ‘jumbleng’ – a simple toilet with bamboo skin stripped and
woven (gedhek) or a stretch of used cloth or tarpaulin as walls with self-dug
toilet hole without a septic tank, where when finished doing the business, the
hole is covered with wooden slats or tarpaulin.

One of the families from Kesamben Kulon
village, Mrs. Hermin, has been using the jumbleng toilet for 25 years because
she has no choice but to use this facility. Some time ago, his son had fallen
into the hole because it was raining at night and had little lighting and was
slippery. This mother had thought of making a proper bathroom but she couldn’t
do it because there was no money, this family still lacked for daily needs.

Don’t let them fight alone. Our helping
hand means a lot to them, share and care for one another. Go to
and donate to give your help.

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