Inaugurated by the Mayor of Cilegon, Graha Posco Community Learning Center, A Gift for the Cilegon Community

Inaugurated by the Mayor of Cilegon, Graha Posco Community Learning Center, A Gift for the Cilegon Community

Mayor of Cilegon, Helldy Agustian, accompanied by President Director of Krakatau Posco Kim Kwang Moo, inaugurated the Graha Posco Community Learning Center in Kubangsari Village Ciwandan District, Thursday, April 28, 2022.

The construction of this community learning center building is expected to fulfil the needs of the Cilegon City community, especially in terms of education, training, and professional skills to support economic independence towards a new, modern, and dignified Cilegon City.

The Mayor of Cilegon, Helldy Agustian, accompanied by the President Director of Krakatau Posco, Kim Kwang Moo, witnessed by Habitat Indonesia team and local residents, cut the ribbon and signed an inscription as the inauguration marked.

Habitat Indonesia and Posco provided a new building to advance education and skills training for residents to improve the social, economic, health, and educational lives of Cilegon residents. As a shareholder of Krakatau Posco, Posco partnered with Habitat for Humanity Indonesia to hold a Holistic Community Development program, Posco Steel Village.

The program is part of constructing various public facilities, such as settlements, education facilities, and support facilities. Habitat Indonesia began the construction three years ago and completed it in April 2022.

These developments include 25 new decent houses, 30 family toilets, three schools, 1 waste bank, 1 Graha Posco Community Learning Center Building, waste management training, and income generation training.

Habitat Indonesia built the facilities after carrying out a community-based approach and local government to ensure that assistance is delivered effectively and efficiently. This community development program successfully reached 550 people in Cilegon City who came from 2 sub-districts, namely Citangkil and Ciwandan, and three sub-districts, namely Samangraya, Tegalratu, and Kubangsari.

Cilegon Mayor Helldy Agustian appreciated the assistance from Krakatau Posco, which was in line with the Cilegon City Government’s program, especially in the field of education. Helly also expressed his hope to push improvement in development through togetherness in a conducive atmosphere.

“Krakatau Posco has completed several programs to support and improve the competence and skills of the young generation of Cilegon to compete in the labor market. With the construction of this Community Learning Center, it is hoped that the community will be able to maximize the existing functions and facilities and actively participate in the programs that are given properly, consistently so that the benefits can continue to be felt on an on going basis for several generations to come,” he said.

At the same time, President Director of Krakatau Posco, Kim Kwang Moo, expressed his gratitude to all parties who cooperated. The Steel Village project, which is part of the implementation of the Corporate Citizenship philosophy with the spirit of “With Posco,” can run well and is expected to bring benefits to the citizens of Cilegon City in a sustainable manner.

“This building is expected to fulfill its strategic role to make changes in people’s behavior to support sustainable development in Cilegon City. In the future, various trainings and community empowerment programs will be held here that are useful to face socio-economic challenges,” he added.

Meanwhile, the National Director of Habitat for Humanity Indonesia Susanto also expressed his gratitude to Krakatau Posco for entrusting Habitat as a partner in implementing the program.

“Thank you, Krakatau Posco, for entrusting Habitat Indonesia as a partner in implementing the program. Habitat is very open to collaborating with various parties to continue to create a prosperous life for families in need,” he said.

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