Indonesia Housing Forum 2023: Decent Housing For All!

Indonesia Housing Forum 2023: Decent Housing For All!

On Wednesday, August 30th, Habitat for Humanity Indonesia organized an event titled Indonesia Housing Forum 2023. The event was carried on as the remembrance of the National Housing Day on August 25th, 2023, where everyone who is a part of the Housing Sector in Indonesia joined in a discussion to seek a continuous and affordable solution to decent housing. Indonesia Housing Forum 2023 was a Hybrid Seminar, where the offline location took place in the medical school hall of Indonesia University.

The event, centered around the theme of “Building inclusive, continuous, and affordable housing for all,” was the outcome of a collaboration involving several stakeholders. These included government representatives, such as the General Director of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing of the Republic of Indonesia, academic institutions like the Civil Engineering Department of Indonesia University, as well as organizations like Real Estate Indonesia and various private housing sectors.

During the event, Ms. Dana Kusumastuti, the General Director of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing of the Republic of Indonesia, served as the keynote speaker and shared valuable insights. She emphasized the significance of collaborative efforts from various stakeholders to improve access to decent housing for all segments of society, tailored to their specific needs and capabilities. Ms. Dana Kusumastuti stated, ”Through this event, we have gained the awareness necessary to implement the right solutions for housing-related challenges and promote decent housing ownership.

Within each session, the speakers delivered all the presentations expertly to discuss various modern issues and solutions to the national or global housing sector, such as the regulation for housing access, collaboration between multi-parties for affordable housing, mitigation and adaptation to climate change, and housing payment diversification. Habitat Indonesia awarded a plaque and certificate to the speakers as an appreciation for their participation in this event.

Mr. Susanto, the national director of Habitat for Humanity Indonesia, hoped that there would be various innovative ideas birthed to be the solution to housing issues in Indonesia through the movement, “Our hope, at least we could lessen the housing issues in Indonesia by 30% through Indonesia Housing Forum and the development of decent housing could improve significantly.” He said.