Indonesia Urban Dialogue 2023

Indonesia Urban Dialogue 2023

Koalisi Perumahan Gotong Royong (cooperation housing coalition) advocated for the establishment of the Badan Percepatan Penyelenggaraan Perumahan (BP3) (Agency for the Acceleration of Housing Implementation) to implement the order of the presidency regulation number 9/2023. The purpose is to extend the provision of decent and affordable housing for low-income families.

The Cooperation Housing Coalition identified three foundational problems relating to the housing provision in Indonesia. The issues are inequality in land tenure security, housing sector liberalization, and sectoral approach to managing housing issues.

The director of Rujak Center for Urban Centres, Elisa Sutanudjaja, said that the coalition aims to promote the change of regulation on a national scale and encourage the creation of a platform that unites communities.

During the Indonesia Urban Dialogue held by Habitat for Humanity Indonesia in Jakarta on Monday (16/10/2023), Elisa stated that the platform is anticipated to encourage independence and innovation as a sustainable and accountable solution to address pricing issues. This, in turn, will lead to the resolution of land issues and the facilitation of various forms of security, ownership, and management, including housing cooperatives.

As a non-structural organization, Elisa highlighted that BP3 promotes innovation across various sectors. The Mutual Cooperation Housing Coalition hopes for active civil participation during the planning of BP3, ensuring the realization of the right to decent housing.

 “In the coming months,” Elisa continued, “The Cooperation Housing Coalition will work on the detailed plan for the mock project. This discussion involves the participation of the General Director of the Ministry of Public Works Infrastructure Financing and will contribute to the input for the 2025 National Long-Term Development Plan.” The Ministry of Public Affairs is actively working to achieve the target of one million housing units across 34 provinces. In 2023, the government aimed to build 149,750 units of decent housing through the Self-Help Housing Stimulant Assistance program.