Mercury Media Group Supports Habitat Indonesia to Provide Temporary Shelter for Medical Workers 2021 with the Theme #MerdekaPandemi!

Mercury Media Group Supports Habitat Indonesia to Provide Temporary Shelter for Medical Workers 2021 with the Theme #MerdekaPandemi!

Jakarta, August 27, 2021, The increasing number of Covid cases in Indonesia does not exclude Surabaya as one of the high numbers of cases areas. Habitat Indonesia, which previously had provided decent temporary shelters for six hospitals in Surabaya, will reopen the temporary shelter for health workers program in 4 hospitals for 60 days. The program includes an appropriate place to rest with meals for breakfast and dinner.

Mercury Media Group tends to emphasize positive information and message to the ears of its listeners in Surabaya by contributing to tackling the Covid problem in Indonesia, especially in Surabaya. In collaboration with Habitat for Humanity Indonesia, this effort carries the theme of #MerdekaPandemi to raise funds through Mercury’s group radio and social media (Mercury FM, DJ FM, Kota FM, and Global FM) and Habitat Indonesia’s social media.

This fundraising program will be held in 3 months, from August to October 2021, with a target of 2 billion rupiahs. They will allocate the funds raised to provide a proper place to rest for health workers who work in the Covid wards in the hospitals in Surabaya.

There are various public figures from Jakarta and Surabaya who also support this joint fundraising effort by Mercury and Habitat. They are willing to echo the message of #MerdekaPandemi through adlibs and talk shows on radios. People can donate through direct transfers or other payment gateways to support the health workers in Surabaya as soon as possible. For more information, you may visit Instagram @habitat_id and @mercury96.

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