Mestika Bank and Akuberbagi donation for Habitat Indonesia

Mestika Bank and Akuberbagi donation for Habitat Indonesia

Housing is the basic human need besides clothing and food. Adequate housing conditions are one of the factors of public welfare and health for the realization of human development. After going through stagnation due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Statistics Indonesia 2022 report shows that there is an improvement in the Human Development Index (HDI) where the index in 2021 reached 72.3 or up 0.4 points(1). The growth of the HDI index is an illustration of the level of healthy living, knowledge, and a decent standard of living that is getting better. For this reason, to further advance a more prosperous society, and PT Bank Mestika Dharma Tbk (Bank Mestika) carry out a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program to provide livable housing to low-income families in Indonesia which is distributed to Habitat for Humanity Indonesia.

The distribution of social assistance funds is delivered in the form of insurance benefits which are the result of a collaboration between Bank Mestika and worth Rp. 77 million. The symbolic handover session was held on Friday, September 23, 2022, at the Habitat Indonesia @Atria Sudirman office, 7th floor, Jakarta, which was attended by Suharto Kurniawan (Head of Corporate Secretary of Bank Mestika), Abraham Tulung (General Manager of Habitat for Humanity Indonesia), Bistok M Naibaho (Direct Marketing Manager of Habitat for Humanity Indonesia) and Wilson Malau (Sales Head of

Marihot A. Pasaribu as Director and Chief Partnership Distribution of PT Asuransi Jiwa Generali Indonesia (“Generali Indonesia”) said in a press release, “We are proud to be a part of distributing social funds to people in need. Housing is a basic human need where every child and family grows into the next generation of the nation. The effort to distribute CSR funds is also our support for government programs where by law it has been stated that every person/individual has the right to live and have a decent life. In addition, information that not only provides syariah-based online protection, but we can also facilitate business partners and companies in distributing social funds that can be channeled in the form of direct donations or in the form of insurance benefits which will later be distributed through our partner social foundations. ”

On this occasion, Achmad S. Kartasasmita as the President Director of Bank Mestika said, “This distribution of assistance is a manifestation of the mission of Bank Mestika which consistently helps improve the standard of living of the people in the area where Bank Mestika operates. Through this activity, Bank Mestika wants to contribute more and reach out to many Indonesian people. Thank you to Generali Indonesia and Habitat for Humanity Indonesia for helping to realize our commitment to continue to contribute to many people.” supports waqf and inheritance programs that support the improvement of quality of life through digital platforms. The value of the benefits formed will be channeled for the benefit of many people through social institutions when customers experience mental risk. This platform helps by managing customer contributions with syariah life insurance principles so that the resulting benefit value can be optimally received with a very light nominal contribution. Customers are free to choose dozens of waqf and inheritance programs available on the website. Supported by trusted social institutional partners, including Dompet Dhuafa, Indonesian Children’s Cancer Foundation, SOS Children Village, Habitat for Humanity Indonesia, and many more, Akuberbagi has now collected a potential inheritance of IDR 4.4 billion for 8 heritage programs and a potential waqf of IDR 1 .4 billion for 11 registered waqf programs.

As a partner, Habitat for Humanity Indonesia itself has built more than 38 thousand decent houses, 24 thousand access to water and sanitation, and has served more than 180 thousand families in Indonesia. Through this collaboration, and Bank Mestika hope to continue to contribute and be involved in social issues and increase the added value of social funds distributed sustainably. In addition, both parties also hope that through the programs on, more Indonesian families will be helped to get decent houses to improve the quality of family life.

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