Omicron Cases Rocketed, Habitat Indonesia Collaborates with OPPO and Angel Pieters Invite Community to Provide Temporary Shelters for Medical Workers

Omicron Cases Rocketed, Habitat Indonesia Collaborates with OPPO and Angel Pieters Invite Community to Provide Temporary Shelters for Medical Workers

The spread of Covid-19 is surging rapidly, especially due to the Omicron variety. On February 17th, 2022, the confirmed cases have reached more than five million cases, which means it increases 1.5 times each week. The daily cases broke the record with more than 64 thousand new cases in one day. There is a potential that the daily cases can go up to 100-150 thousand per day.

This situation forces medical workers to work extra hard every day because the number of patients increased drastically. Nonetheless, they hesitate to go back home no matter how exhausted they are because afraid of transmitting the virus to their families. Moreover, Omicron is extremely easy to be contracted.

Therefore, medical workers need a decent temporary shelter again to keep distancing between their families, a place where they can rest safely and comfortably before resuming their duty serving Covid-19 patients.

Dyani Kusumowardhani, Director of Medical, Nursing and Support Services from RSPI Sulianti Saroso said, “The medical workers need precision and extra energy while handling the Covid-19 patients. They must be feeling more exhausted than usual, so the temporary shelter facilities provided by Habitat for Humanity Indonesia are very helpful, especially for medical workers whose house is so far from the hospital.”

“If worst comes to worst, I hope only me get the virus, not my wife, child nor my families”, said Ilham Wiguna, a Covid-19 nurse at RSPI Sulianti Saroso. Ilham realizes the importance of a temporary shelter for him and his loved ones to minimize the spreading of Covid-19.

Habitat for Humanity Indonesia has initiated the temporary shelter for medical workers program since 2020. Habitat has helped more than 2,000 medical workers from twelve different designated hospitals in Jakarta, Tangerang, and Surabaya. This year, Habitat once again encourages our communities to donate and support the temporary shelter for medical workers who are fighting in the front line.

At virtual press conference on February 23, 2022, Susanto, National Director of Habitat for Humanity Indonesia said, “The surge in cases due to the new Omicron variant demands medical workers to work day and night serving patients and risk exposing themselves this fast-spreading virus. As part of our support to the government and medical staff in reducing the spread of Covid-19, we are re-activating the Temporary Shelter for Medical Workers (abbrev: TSPM) program to provide a decent temporary resting place (hotel room) for healthcare workers. We hope that all of us can show our support for this TSPM program during the third wave.”

Susanto believes that this temporary shelter program is very effective in slowing the spread of the virus as we place medical staff away from their families. “With hotel room as a temporary shelter, they can rest comfortably as well as self-quarantine at ease.” he added.

Meanwhile, Secretary of the Directorate General of Health Services, Ministry of Health, Republic of Indonesia, dr. Azhar Jaya, who was also present at the press conference said, “The health and safety of medical workers is our top priority because they as the front line have a high risk factor for contracting the virus. That’s we need prevention effort by providing temporary shelters. This is one way to protect ourselves, family, and the community, to give a safer environment against Covid-19.

Support for providing temporary shelter for healthcare workers in this 2nd year also comes from one of the well-known communication technology brands in Indonesia, namely PT World Innovative Telecommunication with its smartphone product called OPPO.

Patrick Owen, Chief Creative Officer of PT World Innovative Telecommunication (OPPO Indonesia) said, “OPPO is proud to cooperate with Habitat Indonesia Foundation to provide temporary shelter for medical workers. They are our front defense against Covid-19 and we need to take care of their well-being and health. This TSPM program also becomes a part of OPPO Find Health, where we used to create a program to support medical workers in 2021, collaborating with Angel Pieters, Aero Aswar, and Asmara Abigail.”

Angel Pieters as the Brand Ambassador of OPPO Indonesia showed her support for this TSPM program, “Of course as part of OPPO family I feel so proud and support this program done by OPPO Indonesia and Habitat Indonesia Foundation. Besides, as a human centric brand, OPPO always tries to create innovation for its users.” People who want to give support can visit . You can find an easy way to donate through that web page. This program will start on the third week of February until end of March 2022. This program might continue based on the situation and needs that occur.

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