One Homeland, One Nation, Rebuild NTT

One Homeland, One Nation, Rebuild NTT

“The heavy downpour that night caused flash flooding. I saw my things from the kitchen got washed away. My husband said: “leave” but I didn’t know where to run to. Because I was afraid ….”.

The people of East Nusa Tenggara still cry and feel deep sorrow due to the tropical cyclone that hit and destroyed their lives some time ago.

Quoted from BNPB data as of April 25, 2021. The tropical cyclone Seroja fatalities are 182 deaths, 184 injured, 54,000 houses damaged and 474,492 people affected by this disaster. The conditions.

in the midst of a pandemic add to the gravity of the already bad situation because evacuees live in refugee camps or houses with inadequate facilities that can threaten their physical and mental health.

After a long journey, the Habitat for Humanity Indonesia team arrived at Waiburak and Waiwerang village in East Flores, East Nusa Tenggara province (NTT). Some residents said that the flood that hit them was so frightening.

“The heavy downpour that night caused flash flooding. I saw my things from the kitchen got washed away. My husband said: “leave” but I didn’t know where to run to. Because I was afraid to go to the beach, I ran to the mountains. I had surrendered if that was my end. After a while, I heard everyone started screaming looking for their separated families. At last, we looked for a safe place. I am sad that many people in this village have no place to live anymore.” Said Hasna, a Waiburak resident.

Andreas’ family is one of hundreds of other families who took refuge in huts in the middle of the plantation fields which are usually used to store their crops. It is just a small hut without walls and rooms. Three families live in a 2×2 meter hut without electricity, access to clean water and bathroom. Andreas’ family consists of 12 people and 8 of them are children aged 4 – 12 years.

For families in NTT who are affected by the disaster due to Tropical Cyclone Seroja, the life situation is still stressful and makes them suffer because they have to live in refugee camps or to their relatives’ homes, some of which even have more than 3 different families living in one house. This can create new problems because the living conditions are not ideal.

Thanks to the caring action of Habitat Friends, there are 121 families in Amakaka village, Kec. Lembata NTT can use the Emergency Shelter Kit, making it easier for them to prepare huts as their place of refuge safer and more comfortable while waiting for decent shelter for them.

Shelter is not just a building but a process of restoration for each family after what they have gone through. Together with Habitat for Humanity Indonesia, Habitat Friends are invited to take part in real actions to rebuild NTT.

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