Preparing Youth Generation Through Proper Basic School for Children

Preparing Youth Generation Through Proper Basic School for Children

Every family longs to have a decent life, a comfortable home that is safe and healthy, the ability to improve their family financial and last but not least, proper education. A good education is an important thing that every family yearns for, including education for their children, because the young is hope for better family life and future.

The Indonesian government continues to strive to improve the quality of education that can reach the millions of children who have not been able to receive a proper education. One of the obstacles faced behind this effort is the inadequate availability of teaching and learning facilities. One area that is still experiencing these problems is Tuksono Village, Sentolo District, Kulon Progo Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region. Ironically, the city of Yogyakarta itself is nicknamed the City of Scholars.

Tuksono Village has a population of about 8,521 people, where 40% of the population is still poor. Tuksono is the poorest area in Sentolo District. About 400 families do not have proper housing, access to clean water, sanitation, and education. The condition of children with stunting (impaired growth in children) is also very high in this area due to the poor environmental conditions. As many as 9 out of 12 hamlets in Sentolo District do not have proper schools. In general, children study in a house that is used as a school building with the minimum equipment and facilities. In fact, thousands of children in the area are unable to complete primary school education.

Actually, Sentolo Subdistrict is being prepared to become an industrial area but this has not been fulfilled due to the inadequate level of education and community capacity.

In the spirit of realizing the same mission, Habitat for Humanity Indonesia together with the Fly & Help Foundation is taking part in supporting government efforts to improve the quality of education, especially for early childhood in Tuksono Village by building 4 PAUD school buildings and facilities that support teaching and learning programs. This program is expected to support the people of Tuksono Village to have better education for children so that they can become empowered and qualified generations for a better life and livelihood in the future. With the existence of good and supportive teaching and learning facilities, children will be more happy and excited about taking school education.

Smart society, great Indonesia!

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