Prudential Indonesia Continues Desa Maju Program Phase II

Prudential Indonesia Continues Desa Maju Program Phase II

Prudential Indonesia continues the Desa Maju program phase II specifically for low-income families. In this program, Prudential builds houses and public facilities in remote areas that are still underdeveloped.

President Director of Prudential Indonesia, Michellina L. Triwardhany (Dhany) said that Prudential Indonesia will build an area in Tanjung Anom Village, Mauk District, Tangerang Regency, Banten Province by collaborating with Habitat for Humanity Indonesia.

In the program, Prudential Indonesia plans to build fifty houses, two clean water access, twenty-five household toilets and gives WASH (Wash, Sanitation, and Hygiene) training. In addition, Prudential Indonesia will also build educational facilities in two schools, including a computer laboratory, school toilets, a library, and an early childhood education (PAUD) building.

“This Desa Maju Prudential program has a direct impact on improving the welfare of the community. We have distributed almost ten billion”, said Michellina in the press conference Friday (June, 10th 2022).

Desa Maju Prudential program started two years ago and collected a total donation of two billion rupiahs through community participation in PRURide Indonesia 2021 Virtual Ride.

Susanto, National Director of Habitat for Humanity Indonesia said that this program is expected to improve the quality of life of the local community, which can also increase their income.

“We hope that this initiative can build and improve the lives of low-income families in the area that is in need, through providing the decent houses, clean water access, and proper sanitation”, said Susanto.

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