PT Mahkota Indonesia Cakung Supports Habitat for Humanity Indonesia Develop Rawa Terate Cakung Community Toilet Access

PT Mahkota Indonesia Cakung Supports Habitat for Humanity Indonesia Develop Rawa Terate Cakung Community Toilet Access

Jakarta, September 27th, 2021 – PT Mahkota Indonesia Cakung and Habitat for Humanity Indonesia carried out a program to develop toilet access in Rawa Terate Cakung from January to March 2021. Previously, the people of Tuksono disposed of septic tank waste directly into the river without realizing that it pollutes the environment and causes various sources of disease. 

PT Mahkota Cakung Indonesia and Habitat approached and educated the community to be aware of the importance of caring for the environment. The awareness of a healthy environment and proper housing can bring people to healthy behavior changes. Habitat invited the local volunteers to help collect data on potential beneficiaries and supervise the program implementation process to make it complete quickly.

After going through various stages and processes, PT Mahkota Indonesia Cakung and Habitat build four bio septic tank units. These bio septic tanks have helped at least thirty-seven families. “We are very proud to have septic tanks even though they are for communal. Previously, we felt ashamed because we threw our waste into the river or in front of the house. When the dry season arrived, we often had a bad smell, and it made us embarrassed. The existence of those septic tanks finally can help us to enjoy a healthy environment, a resident of Rawa Terate Cakung.”

In addition to bio septic tanks, Habitat builds 2 MCK units in PAUD TERATE V, where thirty families and thirty-three teachers and students can feel the benefit. In addition to providing these two aids, PT Mahkota Indonesia Cakung and Habitat also provided 100 cleaning equipment packages to 30 families and 30 teachers and students to help them carry out health protocols properly during the Covid-19 pandemic. Sugandi, Manager of PAUD TERATE V, said, “Thank you to PT Mahkota Indonesia Cakung and Habitat Indonesia for constructing the MCK in PAUD TERATE V. These toilets can be used by both teachers and students well. The cleaning kits provided are also beneficial for families and students who have middle to lower economic lives. 

Rahmat and the Community Health Center team also said, “PT Mahkota Indonesia Cakung and Habitat Indonesia program is in line with Community Health Center program. Community Health Center still has a problem doing the program because pandemic diver the cost to other programs. Thank you to PT Mahkota Indonesia Cakung and Habitat Indonesia for supporting the government’s program to tackle the indiscriminate disposal of defecation waste in the past”. 

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