PVH Collaborate with Habitat Indonesia Rebuild West Sulawesi Earthquake Survivor Family Life

PVH Collaborate with Habitat Indonesia Rebuild West Sulawesi Earthquake Survivor Family Life

Three big earthquakes that hit West Sulawesi in early 2021 have broken Mamuju, Majene, and Polewali Mandar. Hundreds of inhabitants got injured, even death. The earthquakes also impacted tens of thousands of inhabitants’ houses. They felt forced to live temporarily in the refuge, where it was difficult to get clean water and food.

Habitat Indonesia, a humanitarian organization that focuses on providing decent houses, was supported by PVH to help inhabitants in Botteng Village. Government and other humanitarian organizations supported Habitat and PVH repaired five family houses with Ferro cement Technique, distributed three packages of house reparation kits to thirty families, and gave construction and safe house training to survive an upcoming earthquake.

Aco (41) and Jaisa (35), Botteng inhabitants, everyday work as farmers. They are often sleep in the field. When the earthquakes came, Aco and his wife went out of the area immediately and drove their motorcycle very fast to help their two children that they left at home. “My wife and I are such anxious. Besides wanting to help our two children at home, we also must keep our baby on a motorcycle during the trip,” Aco said. Grateful, they still had time to rescue their two children and bring them to the refuge.

After approximately two weeks in the refuge, Aco and his family felt so difficult to get food for their baby, who needed it. Aco and his family felt so happy when they knew that Habitat and PVH would repair their house. “My family and I are so happy when we know that Habitat and PVH will repair our house because it is so suffered live in the refuge. Thank you, Habitat Indonesia and PVH, for repairing our house. If you don’t build our house, we will have no house until now”, said Aco.

Saruna, an older man (70), and his disabled wife usually work as farmers. When the earthquake hit their house at night, they felt so surprised. They went out of their home and rescued their two children immediately. They had to live in the refuge for a while because they were afraid to return to their broken house. But in the sanctuary, it was difficult for them to get food, and it started to cause many people to get the disease.

When Saruna heard that Habitat and PVH would repair their house, He was so happy. “I am so excited when I know that Habitat and PVH will repair our house. My age is not a barrier for me to help the craftsman who repairs our house. Now, we can live in a safe house whose structure is better than our house before. No more words we can say except thank you so much Habitat and PVH who have repaired our house”, revealed Saruna.

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