Road to BISRA 2023: Corporate Social Responsibility Knowledge Sharing Webinar

Road to BISRA 2023: Corporate Social Responsibility Knowledge Sharing Webinar

Like previous years, a webinar was held as a part of the Bisnis Indonesia Corporate Social Responsibility Award (BISRA) 2023’s series of events. Those who will compete in BISRA 2023 are expected to obtain crucial knowledge and information in carrying out their CSR programs through the webinar.

Susanto, the National Director of Habitat for Humanity Indonesia, as one of the juries on BISRA 2023, delivered a speech on the webinar alongside the Expert Staff on Social Affairs and Poverty Reduction from PPN/Bappenas, Vivi Yulaswati, the Head of Research of Bisnis Indonesia Intelligence Unit, Dias R Sutiono, and PT. Adaro Energy Indonesia’s CSR Program Manager, Zurida MH.

The webinar, which was held on Wednesday, April 12th, 2023, brought up the theme of “Bridging Social Impact Measurement and Corporate Social Responsibility”.

The theme raises a discussion on how the application of Corporate Social Responsibility holds the potential to expand a company’s access to the market and can strengthen its positive brand image. The principles for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) are not limited to a social program that relies on its quantitative nature, but also brings a significant impact for change to resolve various socioeconomic and environmental problems.

“For this year’s BISRA award, the jury will conduct holistic research through quantitative and qualitative data during the selection process for the winner. In the selection process, we will evaluate the programs from each company’s input before looking at their output and results. We will use one of the 30 social impact measurement standards to assess the output before evaluating the impact.” told Dian. The board of juries will thoroughly assess the collected qualitative and quantitative data from each entry and their outcome, whether they correspond to the program’s objectives. Therefore, the board of jury can see the program’s impact on society.

The webinar was momentum for the opening of BISRA 2023’s registration and a place for the jury to explain the method for the assessment process on the competition.