Socializing Development of Livable Houses, Tangerang Regency Government Launches APBDes Guidebook

Socializing Development of Livable Houses, Tangerang Regency Government Launches APBDes Guidebook

TANGERANG, POSKOTA.CO.ID – The Tangerang Regency Government (Pemkab) has launched a guidebook for using APBDes. The launch of the APBDes Book aims to optimize the use of the budget for the construction of livable houses for the community.

Tangerang Regency Secretary, Moch Maesyal Rasyid, said that the launch of the APBDes Book was intended as a means of socializing the implementation of decent housing and settlements for the community.

Of course, that is following the rules, because, everyone has the right to occupy, enjoy, or have a decent house in a healthy, safe, harmonious, and systematic environment.

“Launching this APBDes book as a guidance in constructing livable houses. Because this program is a big homework for all of us, both the Central and Regional Governments,” he said, Saturday, September 24, 2022.

According to him, the government will be committed to carrying out village development to improve community welfare and the quality of human life as well as poverty alleviation. He explained, in Tangerang Regency itself, the construction of livable houses, until 2022, has only reached 36.48 percent. He said, for low-income families, the majority of the homes did not meet the standards of house safety rules, especially from disasters. One of the reasons may be due to the lack of public knowledge about the criteria for housing that is livable, safe, and healthy.

“This means that we, the government, together with all stakeholders and all components of society should together pay great attention to the construction of livable houses in Tangerang Regency,” he said. He explained that so far the Tangerang Regency Government has implemented the Joint People’s Movement to Overcome Poor Slum Dense Areas (Gebrak Pakumis) program for five years with aims that as many as 13 thousand housing units will be rebuilt into decent houses. “We have carried out this Gebrak Pakumis from 2017 to 2022, and we have built as many as 13 thousand livable housing units with budget sources from the APBD, APBDes, and CSR,” he said. He continued, the Tangerang Regency Government commits to complete the housing development program in its area soon. As one of the parties responsible for the implementation of decent housing and settlements in Tangerang. So the Tangerang Regency Government made a guidebook on the mechanism for providing housing and settlements by utilizing government funding sources, namely through the APBDes.

 “The Tangerang Regency Government hopes that with this guidebook, the community can more easily and freely access information and guidelines in using the APBDes to provide livable houses. “I hope.

As a humanitarian organization that focuses on providing adequate housing in Indonesia, the National Director of Habitat Indonesia Susanto added that we are happy and proud to be involved in the preparation of this guidebook.

“Launching this guidebook is one of the practical steps and the benefits can be directly felt by the community to optimize the construction and repair of livable houses in Tangerang,” he concluded.

(Saturday, 24 September 2022 18:26 WIB|