Solidarity for Cianjur

Solidarity for Cianjur

Towards the end of the year, precisely on November 21, 2022, at around 13.30 WIB (Western Indonesia Time), there was an earthquake measuring 5.6 magnitude in Cianjur Regency, West Java Province – Indonesia. This earthquake was also felt in Bandung, Jakarta, and also Tangerang. The Regional Disaster Management Agency recorded 268 fatalities, 1,097 injuries, and 24,088 severely damaged houses, resulting in 59,061 residents taking refuge in emergency shelters.

The Habitat Indonesia team has arrived at the Cianjur disaster site and conducted a more profound assessment. With expertise in housing construction, Habitat made an initial response in the form of the following:

1. Distribution of Emergency Shelter Kits (ESK)

(ESK contents: shovel, hoe, tarpaulin, nails, hammer, crowbar, etc.) that allow families to build temporary shelters or repair their homes.

2. Distribution of WASH and Cleaning Kits (WCK). The goal is for the families of survivors to clean themselves and live clean lives.

Let’s unite in solidarity to help our brothers and sisters in the Cianjur Regency area so they can have new hope. Our help means a lot. If you are willing to help our brothers and sisters through Habitat, please channel it via:


Bank Account Name: Habitat Kemanusiaan Ind. Yay.

Bank Account Number: 210-3002958


Bank Account Name:: Yayasan Habitat Kemanusiaan Indonesia

Bank Account Number: 100.920.8899