Solidarity Helps Residents Affected by Mount Semeru Disaster

Solidarity Helps Residents Affected by Mount Semeru Disaster

The disaster struck at around 3 PM. Heavy ash fall to volcanic materials and lava flows travelled down the Lumajang Regency and its surroundings.

Mount Semeru with a height of 3,676 meters erupted and caused ash fall in Sumbersari hamlet, Supiturang village, Pronojiwo Lumajang sub-district, and East Java province. As a result of this activity, the community and sand diggers in the Leprak River ran away.

According to residents’ interview, actually the hot clouds were first seen at around 3.30 PM on December 3, 2021 on top of the mountain. Before releasing hot clouds, Mount Semeru released cold lava that caused flooding. The impact of hot cloud avalanche was most severely felt in Lumajang Regency. It is known that two sub-districts in Lumajang are completely dark, namely Pronojiwo and Candipuro sub-districts.

Assistance will be given according to the urgency of needs at the location, specifically for the needs of hygiene kits, cleaning kits for house and surrounding, home repair programs and access to clean water. This program will be carried out after they are completely safe to return to their environment and are ready to work together to repair the house.

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