There is a Light at the end of the tunnel

There is a Light at the end of the tunnel

“Alhamdullilah, the people are grateful to Habitat and CRS team. We truly feel that the burden has been lifted when receiving the cleaning kits such as wheels, hammers, crowbars, and other tools. This week, we can sell the nails from every house because we have crowbars to take it out,” Told Nandi, one of the survivors of the Cianjur Earthquake who is also the head of the neighborhood in Suka Mulya Village, Pasir Sapi, Cianjur Regency.

When it happened, Nandi was in his house with his wife, children, and grandchildren. He was on vacation from his job as an employee in a glass installation service contractor outside of the city. It was Monday; he remembers how it happened in the daytime, right at 1 p.m. Suddenly, Nandi and his family could feel the ground trembling. It was only then he ever encountered such an earthquake. “It came suddenly, there were no warning signs, and I could feel the trembling from the ground to the top. It lasted around 4 to 5 seconds. I’m grateful, Alhamdulillah, I could run immediately. I took my grandchildren and escorted the villagers to the field. Maybe if we were late by 5 seconds, it could be more dangerous,” expressed Nandi.

There were cracks in the front and the back of Nandi’s house. However, he is still grateful because his house is in a much better condition compared to the rest of his neighbors. There are people whose houses collapsed due to the disaster. For several days, Nandi still had to wait in an emergency tent with the other 31 families. “let alone a week after the disaster, now we can’t even sleep in our house. We still live inside the tent.” Told Nandi.

Initially, Nandi couldn’t return to his house due to the trauma. However, the help provided by Habitat and CRS encouraged him to return and clean it. Hence after cleaning the house, Nandi could sell the nails collected from the ruins. The profits were helpful during the emergency period. “Even this week, we can sell the nails from every house because we have crowbars to take it out.” Told Nandi.

Nandi realized that he had to be patient during such a disaster. “It’s out of our control, so we need to be patient. Other than that, keep praying so that Cianjur will rise above the trial.” Hoped Nandi. Now, Nandi could only hope that his activities would be like they once were. He’s currently taking the role of the head of the neighborhood. Thus, he’s now busy with data collection. “I can’t put my needs first since many people need our help. It’s our job to protect the people and their families. I’m still seeking local volunteers for our groceries needs because the people are not 100% recovered. In addition, many of our people work as a farmer. Once it rains, the materials and ingredients are expensive, medicines too.” Closed Nandi.

He hopes the whole neighborhood will recover soon and have the chance to rebuild their lives.