Never Give Up

Never Give Up

“I am grateful; it feels like the opportunity fell into my lap,” said Rika wholeheartedly when she was asked about her feelings after receiving the clean water access assistance from Habitat
EN-ID Blog

Never Give Up

“I am grateful; it feels like the opportunity fell into my lap,” said Rika wholeheartedly when she was asked about her feelings after receiving the clean

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ID-EN Blog

Tidak Ada Kata untuk Menyerah

“Bersyukur kali lah bu, ibaratnya kayak ketiban rezeki nomplok dari langit”, ungkap Rika dengan penuh haru saat ditanya bagaimana perasaannya setelah menerima bantuan akses air

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EN-ID Blog

My Family is My Home

“It would be more difficult to clean the site if we didn’t have the kits. Previously, we didn’t have a proper set of kits. Only

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ID-EN Blog

Keluargaku adalah Rumahku

“Kalau alat itu tadinya ga ada mungkin kesulitan. Kita ga ada alat-alat. Mungkin alat seadanya, ya bisa lah cangkul, tapi kan orang lain juga pasti

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