Welcome to the Habitat for Humanity Indonesia career site.

Here you will learn more about and can apply for Habitat for Humanity Indonesia current employment, volunteer and internship opportunities.

At Habitat for Humanity Indonesia, we embrace a history rooted in creating equity and take our mission seriously by courageously committing to a culture and workplace where all staff feel safe, welcome, visible, respected, supported and valued. As an equal opportunity employer, we realize that our success depends upon building an inclusive workforce of diverse perspectives and encourage people of varied races, ethnicities, national origins, tribes, religions, ages, gender identities and expressions, genders, sexual orientations, marital statuses, disabilities, veteran/reserve national guard statuses, socio-economic statuses, thinking and communication styles to work with us.

We also require that all staff take seriously their ethical responsibilities to safeguarding our intended beneficiaries, their communities (especially children), and all those with whom we work. In line with the prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse, all staff must pass a thorough background screening and will be held accountable to upholding our policies around ethical behavior, including safeguarding and whistleblowing.


Find Your Position:


Location: Gresik

Habitat Indonesia is currently looking for Construction Supervisor position(Read More)


Location: Jakarta

Habitat Indonesia is currently looking for Project Accountant position(Read More)



Location: Surabaya

Habitat Indonesia is currently looking for Community Organizer position(Read More)


Location: Jakarta

Habitat Indonesia is currently looking for Strategic Advisor position(Read More)


Location: Jakarta

Habitat Indonesia is currently looking for Program Officer position(Read More)


Location: Batam

Habitat Indonesia is currently looking for Community Organizer position(Read More)

Gedung Hajadi lantai 2 & 3
Jl. Palmerah Utara No.46, RW.16, Palmerah,
Kec. Palmerah, Kota Jakarta Barat, DKI Jakarta 11480
[email protected]
+6221 2205 6431

Sejak Habitat for Humanity didirikan tahun 1976, relawan (volunteer) memegang peranan penting dalam perkembangan dan pelayanan. Habitat Indonesia pun terus mengembangkan program-program terkeait keterlibatan para relawan. Semua kegiatan relawan tercatat secara jumlah personel maupun jumlah ‘jam kerja’ yang mereka dedikasikan bagi habitat, serta dihitung sebagai ‘jam kerja’ relawan (volunteer hour).

    1. Mempercepat jalannya proses program, yakni relawan dapat bergotong royong bersama komunitas dampingan Habitat Indonesia dalam pembangunan. 
    2. Mengangkat semangat masyarakat dan mendorong berkembangnya semangat gotong royong, sekaligus sebagai peluang untuk mengkampanyekan program Habitat untuk mempromosikan pentingnya rumah layak huni bagi masyarakat kurang mampu. Habitat percaya bahwa perubahan bisa dimulai dari tiap individu yang berpartisipasi dalam program ini.
    3. Sarana untuk memperluas jaringan antar elemen masyarakat, baik itu para donatur, komunitas-komunitas dampingan Habitat, lembaga lain maupun relawan.

Daftar Sekarang

Gedung Hajadi lantai 2 & 3
Jl. Palmerah Utara No.46, RW.16, Palmerah,
Kec. Palmerah, Kota Jakarta Barat, DKI Jakarta 11480
[email protected]
+6221 2205 6431