Habitat Indonesia took part in supporting facilities and infrastructure in the fields of education and healthcare in order to improve the quality of student’s education as well as public health; through various programs that have been and will be carried out together with fellow partners: 
  1. Construction of Schools: 20 units
  2. Construction of Playgrounds and Reading Parks: 9 units
  3. Construction of School Libraries and Digital Libraries: 6 units
  4. Construction of Computer Labs: 5 units
  5. Provision of School Computers: 21 units
  6. Renovation of Classrooms: 4 units
  7. Construction of Integrated Health Service Posts (Posyandu): 3 units

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Gedung Hajadi lantai 2 & 3
Jl. Palmerah Utara No.46, RW.16, Palmerah,
Kec. Palmerah, Kota Jakarta Barat, DKI Jakarta 11480
[email protected]
+6221 2205 6431