Indonesia Urban Dialogue 2023

Indonesia Urban Dialogue 2023

Koalisi Perumahan Gotong Royong (cooperation housing coalition) advocated for the establishment of the Badan Percepatan Penyelenggaraan Perumahan (BP3) (Agency for the Acceleration of Housing Implementation) to implement the order of
28UILD 2023

28UILD 2023

In celebration of National Youth Pledge Day on October 28th, Habitat for Humanity Indonesia organized its annual event, 28UILD (to build). This event encourages the younger generation to construct and
EN-ID Blog

Habitat Booth in 28UILD 2023

In celebration of National Youth Pledge Day on October 28th, Habitat for Humanity Indonesia organized its annual event, 28UILD (to build). This event encourages the

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EN-ID Blog

Indonesia Urban Dialogue 2023

Koalisi Perumahan Gotong Royong (cooperation housing coalition) advocated for the establishment of the Badan Percepatan Penyelenggaraan Perumahan (BP3) (Agency for the Acceleration of Housing Implementation)

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EN-ID Blog

28UILD 2023

In celebration of National Youth Pledge Day on October 28th, Habitat for Humanity Indonesia organized its annual event, 28UILD (to build). This event encourages the

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