Habitat for Humanity Indonesia aims to provide solutions to the problem of uninhabitable houses in Indonesia, including raising awareness of the importance of a safe, affordable, and decent home. For this reason, Habitat for Humanity Indonesia seeks to involve as many housing market makers as possible to care for and participate in increasing the financing access for affordable housing—creating a cooperative framework among the government, private companies, non-governmental organisations, and volunteer groups.

in February 2017, Habitat Indonesia began approaching partnership cooperation with one of the largest microfinance institutions in Indonesia, KOMIDA (Koperasi Mitra Dhuafa). Habitat and KOMIDA signed the official Cooperation Agreement in April 2017. In this Cooperation Agreement, Habitat Indonesia acts as a facilitator in assisting Komida in developing loan products whose intended use is for matters related to houses. In addition, Habitat and Komida also aim to create new house construction, renovation, or additional home facilities such as toilets, better sanitation, or a common place of business. The process begins with a survey conducted on members and the surrounding community who are not yet members of Komida to obtain input regarding housing renovation needs and the expected financing model. Home and Business Place Renovation Financing (PRRTU), the name of this product, was successfully launched for the first time with trials at five branch offices, namely: Cariu-Bogor Branch, Cikalongkulon-Cianjur Branch, Telukjambe Barat-Karawang Branch, Rawamerta-Karawang Branch, and Ciasem- Subang. This project received a positive response from KOMIDA members because it fits the need to renovate houses and businesses and better sanitation.

Since its launching in the month of December 2017 until June 2022, PRRTU KOMIDA has served as many as 8.311 members with an average financing value of Rp 15.000.000, and the branch offices that became PRRTU distributors have reached approximately 100 branch offices or an estimated 30% of the total branch offices owned by KOMIDA.