Habitat for Humanity Indonesia sedang mencari Penyedia Jasa “Pelatihan SKK (Sertifikat Kompetensi Kerja) pada Sektor Konstruksi” untuk 600 tukang bangunan di wilayah Kabupaten Tangerang, Kota Tangerang dan Kota Tangerang Selatan. Kegiatan ini merupakan bagian dari proyek bertajuk “Peningkatan Ekonomi Masyarakat Berpenghasilan Rendah di Provinsi Banten Melalui Akses Pelatihan SKK (Sertifikat Kompetensi Kerja) Pada Sektor Konstruksi.”
Bagi lembaga, organisasi, perusahaan yang berminat untuk menyediakan jasa pelatihan SKK dan K3 (Kesehatan, Keamanan dan Keselamatan Kerja) ini dipersilakan mengajukan proposal sesuai format yang diberikan, paling lambat pada 14 hari sejak pengumuman ini. Informasi lebih detail silakan lihat di Website HabitatIndonesia.org atau Linkedin Habitat For Humanity Indonesia.

Habitat Indonesia is a Christian organization that commit to the highest ethical standards in upholding the highest dignity and the human rights of the people. Habitat Indonesia also commits to carry out the best in its service, putting first the protection, safety and work environment that is secure and highly ethical.  Emphasizing on good stewardship, considerate and good care of its employees, interns, contractors, consultants, suppliers, donors, beneficiaries especially the vulnerable groups and communities around locations where we work including children and accountable to all resources entrusted to Habitat Indonesia  

That commitment is manifested in the developing and enforcing Safeguarding policy for all Habitat Indonesia entities, which one of its purposes is to strengthen the protection measures of children and other vulnerable groups, especially the beneficiaries and the communities around the locations where Habitat Indonesia works.  This Safeguarding policy is also to provide knowledge and awareness to all Habitat Indonesia staff about all behaviors that are contrary to the spirit and regulations that reflect the best interest of Habitat Indonesia thus it will materialize the working environment and condition of the community that are free from exploitation, harassment to the vulnerable groups including children, safe and foster fairness and justice. For that reason, this Safeguarding policy applies at all times (including outside working hours) and at every location where the Habitat Indonesia entities work. It also contains a reporting mechanism for all violations of allegation of violations to the stipulation and/or purpose of this policy.   

This Safeguarding policy is a systematic compilation and an umbrella of all policies that have been and will be developed in the future for the sake of the protection of children, vulnerable groups especially beneficiaries and communities around locations where Habitat Indonesia works. This Safeguarding policy is also in line with the Safeguarding policy Habitat for Humanity International (HFHI) with necessary perspective of Indonesian context, internal and external interests of Habitat Indonesia in relations to and including advocacy needs with the government, donors, similar organizations and public in general. 

The primary purpose of this Safeguarding policy is to inform, increase awareness and to be used as guide for all Habitat Indonesia activities, as an organization as well as all who work and related to Habitat Indonesia.  

Sentolo Binangun Cluster Area

Donasi Together We Can Make Different, Let’s Join Us  Over the last two years (2020-2022), Habitat Indonesia has collaborated with communities in Sentolo Sub-district, Kulon

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Donasi Habitat for Humanity Indonesia sedang mencari Penyedia Jasa “Pelatihan SKK (Sertifikat Kompetensi Kerja) pada Sektor Konstruksi” untuk 600 tukang bangunan di wilayah Kabupaten Tangerang,

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